Cultural Misunderstandings When Traveling: Learn to Avoid it
For dedicated travelers, cultural misunderstanding when visiting a new country can be a source of distress and embarrassment. Travel-noobs and experienced travelers alike are bound to have a few misunderstandings when moving within a foreign culture. From throwing out trash inappropriately to touching elders, learning about cultural differences before visiting and country can help travelers avoid embarrassment and be more respectful to the local population.
What is a Cultural Misunderstanding?
A cultural misunderstanding is simply a mistake made by a person in a culture unfamiliar to them. It’s a kind of traveler blunder that may not seem like a big deal to the traveler, but has a huge impact on locals. These mistakes usually stem from lack of knowledge, improper etiquette or simply not realizing which customs must be observed while visiting a foreign country.
Types of Cultural Misunderstandings
Unclear Greetings: Different cultures use different kinds of greetings. In some places, shaking hands is considered polite, while in other countries hugging is more common.
Dress Code: Different cultures have different standards of dress. Wearing something that is inappropriate for the culture – such as wearing a t-shirt and shorts when locals are dressed in a much more conservative style can lead to cultural misunderstandings.
Customs and Beliefs: Different cultures may have different customs and beliefs, such as bow during conversation or engaging in a certain type of prayer. Again, these customs should be observed, or else misunderstandings may occur.
Forms of Etiquette: This often varies from culture to culture. For example, burping during dinner may be considered a sign of appreciation in some countries, while others may think it’s rude.
Tipping Habits: Different cultures have different tipping habits, from leaving coins on the table to not tipping at all; some cultures may even consider it rude.
Local Laws and Regulations: Travelers should be aware of local laws and regulations, especially when it comes to public intoxication, smoking, and the use of drugs. Breaking the law in a foreign country can be dangerous, so travelers should do their due diligence and familiarize themselves with the local laws and regulations before they travel.
How to Avoid Cultural Misunderstandings
Reach Out to Locals: Reaching out to locals before traveling can be a great way to avoid misunderstandings on a cultural and personal level. Talking to locals, either through social media or in-person, can help travelers be aware of specific cultural contexts and cues.
Do Your Research: Doing research on the culture one is about to visit is essential in order to not offend anyone. This is especially important before visiting religious sites, where specific customs and regulations should be followed.
Remain Respectful: No matter the situation, it’s always important to remain respectful. Even if customs and beliefs differ from the traveler’s own, they should be respectful and understanding nonetheless.
Observe the Locals: One of the best ways to avoid any potential cultural misunderstandings is to observe the locals. This can be done through taking a local tour, or even by just watching how members of the local culture interact with each other.
Be Open Minded: The key to avoiding any kind of misunderstanding is to be open-minded and not presume that one’s own culture is the “right” one. When in doubt, it’s usually best to err on the side of caution and follow the locals’ lead.
Cultural misunderstandings can be a source of embarrassment, especially when traveling abroad. While it’s important to remain respectful and considerate, it’s equally important to do some research and get to know the local culture before traveling. Being open-minded and observant are two of the most important rules of thumb when it comes to avoiding cultural misunderstandings when travelling abroad. By keeping these tips in mind, travelers will be sure to have an enjoyable and respectful experience while visiting foreign cultures.