Top Archaeological Sites in Canada You Didn’t Know Existed
Canada is home to an array of amazing archaeological sites, some hidden gems that you may not have known existed. Let’s explore some of the country’s exceptional archaeological sites, many of which house centuries-old artifacts that deserve exploration.
1. Nahanni National Park Reserve in the Northwest Territories
For a truly remote and unforgettable trip, head up to the Nahanni National Park Reserve of the Northwest Territories. Located in the spectacular South Nahanni River valley, this historical site was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a World Heritage Site in 1978. You’ll find evidence of thousands of years of habitation, both historical and pre-historic, as you explore the Great Bear Lake Heritage Museum and areas like the Gillespie Pass and Virginia Falls.
2. Glooscap Heritage Centre & Mi’kmaw Museum in Nova Scotia
At the Glooscap Heritage Centre & Mi’kmaw Museum in Nova Scotia, you’ll learn all about the Mi’kmaq, who have shared the Acadian Peninsula with the Acadians since time immemorial. Visitors can explore artifacts and learn about Mi’kmaq legends, culture, and history.
3. Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site in Nova Scotia
Another great archaeological site in Nova Scotia is the Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site. This is an incredible historical site for archaeological and native peoples’ history. With over 10,000 years of human habitation, the area has seen human occupation from Paleoindian hunters over 6,000 years ago to Acadians and Mi’kmaq up to the present. People visiting the park get the opportunity to explore different key archaeological areas and to view Mi’kmaq petroglyphs that have been carved into bedrock over multiple generations.
4. The Butte de Petit Therese Historic Site in Saskatchewan
The Butte de Petit-Thérèse Historic Site in Saskatchewan is a great spot for those who enjoy learning about archaeological sites. Located about 200 km east of Saskatoon, this area is believed to be one of the oldest archaeological sites in the province, dating back to 600-1200 AD. Visitors can view remains of a typical home structure of that period and take part in archaeological dig activities.
5. The Bear Creek Earthworks in Saskatchewan
The town of Battleford, Saskatchewan hosts the Bear Creek Earthworks, a unique archaeological site made up of circular house pits, earth mounds, and other artifacts. What makes this particular site so interesting is that it includes evidence of many different Human populations: a range of activity from Late Paleo-Indian hunters, to later Woodland peoples who cultivated the land.
6. The Rosemary Archaeological Site in Alberta
The Rosemary Archaeological Site in Alberta is a designated Provincial Historic Site. This site is home to a variety of structures and artifacts dating between 500 BC and 1000 AD, including petroglyphs, medicine wheels and tipi rings. The site also contains a variety of archaeological materials, including stone tools, leather objects, and even human remains.
7. Canada’s Arctic Islands
The islands of Canada’s Arctic make up a few of the most remote and isolated archaeological sites in the country. From Ellesmere and Baffin Islands in the east to the Yukon Territories in the west, these areas are home to an array of sites and artifacts which date back thousands of years. These include ancient dwellings, carvings and artifacts of ancient civilizations long forgotten.
8. Woodland Indian Park Byng Inlet in Ontario
Woodland Indian Park Byng Inlet in Ontario is home to a vast archaeological site believed to have been first inhabited 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. Visitors can explore the area by taking guided tours that explore a range of activities from examining various ancient artifacts and archaeology to an introduction to traditional Woodland culture.
9. Poralina at Fort Wellington in Ontario
Poralina at Fort Wellington in Ontario is one of the oldest archaeological sites in Canada. This site holds evidence of pre-contact peoples that go back more than 10,000 years. If you’re interested in exploring this area of Ontario, you may find artifacts ranging from stone tools to petroglyphs.
10. The Coteau-du-Lac Historical Park in Quebec
The Coteau-du-Lac Historical Park in Quebec is a great spot to explore some of the earliest history of Quebec. Visitors to this site can explore the archaeological remains of a Mohawk village, believed to have first been inhabited in the 13th century.
As you can see, Canada is a treasure trove of amazing archaeological sites, many waiting to be discovered. From the Northwest Territories to Quebec, from the Arctic to Ontario, there’s something for everyone to explore. So, if you’re looking for an adventure, why not make your way to one of these great archaeological sites, and take part in the research that is being conducted to learn more about the history of Canada’s fascinating past.